Google Ads Apps Certification Answers with Explanations (Updated)

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The Google Ads Apps Certification is a professional accreditation offered by Google that validates one’s proficiency in building and optimizing Google App campaigns. This certification is aimed at marketing professionals and advertisers who focus on mobile app marketing and wish to demonstrate their expertise in using Google Ads to drive app installs and engagement. To achieve certification, candidates must pass an assessment that covers various topics, including app campaign creation, optimization strategies, and performance measurement. The certification helps professionals stay updated with the latest best practices and tools available in the ever-evolving field of app marketing.

Passing exams is not a workout. Multiple attempts won’t make you stronger.

Achieving the Google Ads Apps Certification not only enhances an individual’s professional credentials but also provides practical insights into maximizing the impact of app campaigns. It equips marketers with the knowledge to leverage machine learning and automation features within Google Ads to efficiently reach their target audience. Certified professionals can effectively utilize Google’s app promotion products, such as App Campaigns, to achieve specific marketing objectives like increasing app downloads, encouraging in-app actions, and enhancing user retention. This certification is a valuable asset for any marketing professional aiming to excel in the competitive mobile app industry by leveraging Google’s powerful advertising ecosystem.

Get familiar with certification exam questions - Google Ads Apps certification assessment

What are the two main marketer objectives for app promotion?

  • Discovery and engagement
  • Engagement and website growth
  • Global expansion and in-store sales
  • Discovery and global expansion

What should you keep in mind when selecting events to measure in a Google App campaign?

  • Pick an event that matters to your business and occurs frequently.
  • Pick an event that can be compared against similar apps.
  • Pick an event with significant value, regardless of how often it occurs.
  • Pick an event with low value that happens on a very significant basis.

What’s the maximum number of localised store listing experiments that can be run at once in Google Play?

  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Why do Google App campaigns perform better when provided with a diverse portfolio of assets?

  • The system has flexibility to create individual ads that best move a user to install or take action in the app.
  • The budget of the campaign is automatically increased with each asset type added.
  • The system can automatically create individual ad groups to accommodate each asset type.
  • The system can identify the best-performing assets from the portfolio, then create more based on them.

In what way do Google App campaigns simplify the ad creation process?

  • If video or image assets aren’t uploaded manually, content may be pulled from the app store listings.
  • The system analyses App campaigns run by similar businesses and identifies the best settings for your ads.
  • The system will run a simulation to analyse how your app works and then design ads based on what it finds.
  • Content is taken from the website and social media associated with the app to design different ad formats.

Which statement summarises a Google App campaign?

  • An automated ad type in Google Ads designed to help advertisers drive app installs and in-app conversions.
  • A platform in Google Ads that lets advertisers promote their products and services exclusively on apps that they don’t own.
  • A Google tool that automatically creates an app based on an advertiser’s website and supplied content.
  • A manual ad type in Google Ads that lets advertisers display banners exclusively on Google Play.

Felix is measuring view-through conversions (VTCs) with another network and he’s been advised to measure VTCs with Google too. Why should Felix measure VTCs with Google in addition to the network that he uses?

  • He’ll receive consistent measurement across his marketing landscape.
  • The VTC metric used by Google is different from most other networks.
  • Google offers more segmentation information for VTCs than all other networks.
  • Google has a VTC industry benchmark to compare against similar businesses.

Alex read a lot about Google App campaigns, and he’s eager to start one of his own. What’s the first thing he should do before jumping into Google Ads interface?

  • Define a goal that he wants to achieve with an App campaign.
  • Conduct thorough research on apps belonging to similar businesses.
  • Create a library of assets that he might use during the ad creation process.
  • Gather feedback from people who are already using his app regularly.

Luca is preparing to run a Google App campaign focused on installs. His client wants to know where the campaign will be eligible to run. How should Luca respond?

  • Google Search, Google Play, YouTube, Discover and three million sites and apps in the Google network
  • Gmail, Google Search, Google Play and three million videos in the YouTube network
  • Google Search, Google Play, Discover, Gmail and Google Maps
  • Three million sites and apps in the Google and YouTube networks

What are two ways in which a marketer can use data insights to better understand campaign performance? (Choose two)

  • Use the asset report to identify and add more top-performing assets.
  • Include view-through-conversion reporting to understand the full value of the ads shown.
  • Track users across individual sites and apps visited.
  • Evaluate all paid channels and distribute investment equally.

Hiroko’s manager asks why Hiroko spends time working on her new Google App campaign. The manager believes that machine learning is doing everything. What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine-learning-powered campaign?

  • Set boundaries.
  • Evolve the strategy.
  • Provide a lot of good data.
  • Update campaign settings daily.
  • Adjust bids regularly.

Linda wants to make the most out of her Google App campaign ads. She writes the required amount of text assets, but doesn’t have many other assets to upload. Which assets may be auto-generated by the campaign, in addition to what Linda can upload?

  • The content within the app’s Google Play and Apple app store listings.
  • The associated images and videos on Google Images and YouTube.
  • The website associated with the app in question.
  • The existing Display Network and/or video campaigns within the same Google Ads account.

Which two options are benefits of using Google Analytics for Firebase? (Choose two)

  • There’s no need to implement an SDK.
  • Data collection is transparent and more secure.
  • It provides automatic setup and out-of-the-box reporting.
  • It provides a simple Android-only solution.

Why is conversion tracking critical for Google App campaigns?

  • Data captured by conversion tracking powers machine learning.
  • Conversion tracking provides insights that shape push notifications for an app.
  • Data captured by conversion tracking may be used to target specific users.
  • Conversion tracking enables companies to understand individual user preferences.

Rita is working to expand a travel app into new markets in Southeast Asia. When considering how she should localise app design and payment methods, what should Rita do first?

  • Conduct market research.
  • Conduct competitor surveys.
  • Initiate a full app rebuild.
  • Initiate a code freeze on app development.

Megan is setting up a Google App campaign but she’s not sure how specific to be when it comes to location targeting. Why should a marketer set a location target that’s at country level or larger?

  • The system works best when working from the largest dataset possible.
  • Users outside of the location target area might feel excluded.
  • App campaigns don’t allow location targeting at a more granular level than country level.
  • Competition becomes more focused at a granular level.

The majority of five-star reviews for apps in the Google Play Store praise which of the following three qualities? (Choose three)

  • Speed
  • Design
  • Usability
  • Sound effects
  • Customer support

Aaron observes and adjusts bids often in his Google Ad campaigns. He recently learned that for an automated campaign, it’s best to wait until the campaign accumulates a certain number of conversions before making any bid changes. For a Google App campaign, Aaron should wait to apply any bid changes until at least how many conversions have accumulated?

  • 25
  • 50
  • 100
  • 200

Jasmeet is a marketer for healthcare brand Pharma Unite. She’s been asked to oversee a Google App campaign that started running two months ago and she finds out that the assets haven’t been updated since the launch. What two things should Jasmeet do next? (Choose two)

  • Review the campaign’s existing assets to see if enough types and sizes exist for good ad coverage and if the existing assets meet the recommended standards for quality.
  • Review the asset report but wait another two months before taking action – it’s too soon to know how well the existing assets are performing.
  • Review the asset report to see which assets are low-performing and gradually swap them for new ones.
  • Review the asset report as a frame of reference, then immediately remove all existing assets and start afresh with new ones. After two months, the existing assets are stale and need to be replaced.

What are the three tracking solutions for Google App campaigns?

  • Google Analytics for Firebase, app attribution partners, codeless tracking with Google Play.
  • Google App Analytics for Advertisers, app attribution partners, Google Play conversion tracking.
  • Google Analytics for Firebase, app attribution partners, Google Ads Analytics.
  • Google App Analytics for Advertisers, codeless tracking with Google Play, website attribution partners.

An eCommerce app received 500 installs, resulting in $1,000 in revenue. What tCPI should they use to start a new Google App campaign for installs?

  • 0.5
  • 2
  • 20
  • 500

Which task could the Market Finder by Google tool help with?

  • Developing a list of suitable potential markets for expansion.
  • Building audience lists based on individual user emails.
  • Developing a list of campaign management recommendations.
  • Translating an app into multiple languages.

An education company is preparing to run a marketing campaign for their app. Identify three factors that the company should consider when determining the objectives for their upcoming campaign. (Choose three)

  • Business goals
  • App-specific goals
  • Stage of app maturity
  • Competitor strategy
  • Annual revenue

Your marketing efforts have long focused on increasing discovery of your company’s app. What are two reasons you should also consider app engagement when marketing your app? (Choose two.)

  • A significant percentage of app users churn after three months.
  • Some users download apps and then forget about them.
  • Apps can be accidentally uninstalled during operating system updates.
  • Those who haven’t yet downloaded an app might need extra incentive.

Adam’s taking time to learn how machines and humans complement each other. What is something machines do well in the marketing industry?

  • Perform specific tasks efficiently.
  • Set the right campaign budgets.
  • Strengthen relationships with clients.
  • Plan strategies on a wide scale.

Why should companies with physical locations embrace app usage?

  • Over half of consumers use mobile apps when shopping in-store.
  • Apps encourage potential customers to subscribe to their newsletter.
  • Mobile apps help build brand and website awareness.
  • Apps inform potential customers of opening and closing times.

A large golf booking company just launched a new app and they want to drive 50,000 installs before peak season hits. How should they set their campaign daily budget to help reach their target number of installs faster?

  • Set the campaign’s daily budget slightly higher than originally planned.
  • Set the campaign’s daily budget as planned initially and then fluctuate it on a weekly basis.
  • Set the campaign’s daily budget initially less than planned and then double it right before the deadline.
  • Set the campaign’s daily budget as triple that originally planned.

Cosmetics brand Lit Looks isn’t getting the reach that they expected from their Google App install campaign. They want to optimise their creative mix, focusing on video assets. They currently have two portrait videos and two landscape videos, ranging from 10–30 seconds in duration. What are they missing in their video asset mix?

  • A square video asset.
  • A 60-second portrait video asset.
  • A 60-second landscape video asset.
  • A carousel video asset.

Simon’s been in the marketing industry for a few years. He’s learning about the ways machine learning can help both him as a marketer and his target users. How will machine learning change his core responsibilities?

  • It allows for more time to focus on strategy and creating customer experiences.
  • It’s an efficient way to learn what account structures are being used by similar businesses.
  • It’s an automated solution to communicate with clients using faster response times.
  • It’s a practical way to automatically convert client briefs into fully functional account structures.

What are the two most common reasons a finance company might choose to promote its app?

  • To determine if app users have a preferred banking location.
  • To drive phone calls to customer service through the app.
  • To increase user engagement with the app.
  • To help users discover the app.

Where do users spend the most time when on mobile devices?

  • Apps
  • Websites
  • Apps and websites equally
  • Phone calls

A gaming company just released a new app and wants to focus on the initial launch phase. What matters most to a business when an app first launches?

  • New users and installs
  • In-app actions
  • User reviews
  • Website traffic

What are two compelling reasons to include an app as part of a marketing strategy? (Choose two.)

  • App downloads are growing year over year.
  • While on mobile devices, users spend the majority of time in apps.
  • Apps deliver better brand awareness than websites.
  • Apps require minimal maintenance.

George regularly checks his conversion data in his Google App campaign, but recently he overheard colleagues talking about the importance of including view-through conversions and he’s not sure what that means. What does a view-through conversion mean for George’s Google App campaign?

  • It’s when a user sees an ad for the app and doesn’t click on it, but completes a conversion (download or action) on the app within 24 hours.
  • It’s when a user sees an ad containing a video asset, clicks on it and then proceeds to complete a conversion.
  • It’s the total number of times that a user has seen an ad before eventually completing a conversion.
  • It’s a conversion metric that counts the total number of conversions that came exclusively from a YouTube placement.

What impact has machine learning made on the marketing industry?

  • Advertisers can crunch more data at scale than ever, to drive better business outcomes.
  • Advertisers are spending more time on campaign optimisation due to additional data that’s surfaced.
  • Advertising agencies are slowing down their recruitment efforts as the requirement for human input is reduced.
  • Well-known analytics tools are becoming obsolete as data is handled entirely by computer systems.

When setting up a new Google App campaign, which three settings must be made at the campaign level?

  • Budget, language, location
  • Ad formats, budget, language
  • Ad formats, language, location
  • Ad formats, budget, location

How do humans and machines work as an effective team when running Google App campaigns?

  • Humans and machines have complementary skill sets.
  • Humans can monitor reports exclusively, while letting machine learning handle everything else.
  • Machines can provide very detailed reporting, while humans handle the majority of optimisation tasks.
  • Humans can verify creative assets made by machines, saving time in the process.

You’re creating an app campaign and it’s time to consider creative assets. What’s the cap for the number of HTML, image and video assets per ad group for an app campaign?

  • 20
  • 10
  • 8
  • 5

A retail company needs to upload creative assets for their app campaign. What aspect ratios are accepted for image assets?

  • 1:1, 1.91:1 and 4:5
  • 1:1, 1.75:1 and 4:5
  • 1:1 and 1.91:1 only
  • 1:1 and 1.75:1 only

What are the two key components of a high-quality app experience?

  • Technical performance and user experience
  • Technical performance and personalisation
  • User experience and video quality
  • Personalisation and video quality

Betty’s manager is wondering why she needs to spend time on her new Google App campaign, as machine learning helps to automate a significant amount of the campaign. What are three things that Betty can do to guide the campaign? (Choose three)

  • Create helpful boundaries for the system to work within by setting a thoughtful bid and budget.
  • Keep an eye on strategy and objectives, evolving them over time as needed.
  • Provide the system with ample, meaningful data and the time to process it.
  • Make adjustments to the campaign in reaction to hourly fluctuations in performance.
  • Build a library of different ad assets, with the intention swapping them entirely on a weekly basis.

Which of these companies would be ready to start a Google App campaign focused on in-app actions?

  • An education company with a large app user base that’s assigned values to the specific actions that users take within the app.
  • A fitness company with a large website user base that’s about to launch its new app.
  • A travel company with a large app user base that hasn’t yet set values for the key actions that users take within the app.
  • A finance company with a small app user base that wants to drive additional app installs.

You work for an agency and your client wants to know how machine learning works in Google App campaigns. How does machine learning benefit both marketers and users?

  • By delivering a relevant ad to the right user at the right time.
  • By delivering ads to as many users as possible in one location.
  • By delivering relevant ads to users only on YouTube.
  • By delivering a unique ad to every individual user.
  • 10
  • 20
  • 100
  • 500

When creating image assets for an app campaign, which two of the following should you consider? (Choose two)

  • Use an action shot from the app experience itself for more engaging creative.
  • Superimpose the logo on the image and use text liberally in ads.
  • Use images with a high pixel density to be clearly visible on a variety of screen sizes.
  • Include a call-to-action button on your image that says ‘Learn more’.
  • An estimate of the number of installs or in-app actions that she can drive with her bidding strategy.
  • An estimate of the total number of impressions that the app will receive across Google’s inventory.
  • A recommendation of the bid that she should set to compete against similar businesses.
  • A recommendation of bid adjustments, based on different times of the day and week.

What’s the advantage of identifying app users with high lifetime value in a Google App campaign?

  • Focus marketing strategies on similar users who bring long-term value to a business.
  • Proactively target an audience with most-engaging video assets.
  • Send push notifications to high-value users, reminding them to use an app.
  • Focus marketing efforts only on those users who are already engaging with an app regularly.

Angela is explaining the advantages of machine learning in Google App campaigns to her colleagues. Which two statements are strong arguments for using machine learning over human input? (Choose two)

  • Machine learning can analyse millions of signals and placements in real time.
  • Machine learning reduces human bias and common errors.
  • Machine learning can have a better understanding of business objectives.
  • Machine learning is more capable of interpreting human emotion.

Oscar has been asked to create a video asset for a new Google App campaign. To follow video asset best practices, what should the video focus on?

  • Showing the app and its functionality.
  • Portraying people using the app.
  • Comparing the app against other industry apps.
  • A behind-the-scenes look at how the app was made.

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